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아이투프럼, 신형 ‘ShotLine’ 출시


최종 수정일: 2024년 12월 18일

ITOFROM, launches brand new product ‘ShotLine

[공감신문] 박문선 기자=아이투프럼이 금형 제조 업계의 혁신을 이끌며 ShotLine 신제품을 출시했다.

이번 신제품 출시로 금형 제조 관리의 새로운 표준을 제시하며 스마트팩토리의 발전을 가속화할 예정이다.

신형 ShotLine의 스마트몰드센서(디지털 금형 카운터, 금형 샷 카운터)에는 혁신적인 기술이 포함되어 있다. 외국의 저가형 기계식 수동 카운터와의 차별점을 두고 무선 통신 방식을 채택하여 양산 금형 사용 시 파손 우려를 줄이고, 350 SPM(C.T 0.17초)의 빠른 사이클타임을 제공하여 안정된 대량 생산 관리를 실현했다.

이번 신형에는 세계 최초로 온도센서를 스마트몰드센서에 탑재해 다이캐스팅을 포함한 200`C까지의 고온과 고습 환경에서도 정확한 금형 정보를 실시간으로 확인할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.

또한 성능과 내구성이 향상되어 있으며, 최신 ICT 기술을 활용하여 금형 유지보수 시점 예측 등의 자산관리 성능을 향상시켰다.

아이투프럼 이동렬 대표는 "금형 기술의 발전과 스마트팩토리 구축을 위한 노력이 계속될 것"이라며 업계의 관심과 응원을 당부했다.

ShotLine은 2년 연속 한국인이 가장 신뢰하는 브랜드로 선정되었으며, 2023년 최우수 브랜드 대상을 수상하는 등 지능형 솔루션으로 이미 삼성전자, LG전자 그리고 대리점 납품을 통한 다이슨, 로레알 등 국내외 기업에서 사용되고 있다.

이번 신제품의 경우 경동 나비엔, 시디즈 등 신규 업체와의 협력 확대를 준비하고 있다.

[Gonggam Newspaper] Moonsun Park reporter = ITOFROM has launched a new product, ShotLine, leading innovation in the mold manufacturing industry.

With the launch of this new product, we plan to accelerate the development of smart factories by presenting a new standard for mold manufacturing management.

The new ShotLine’s smart mold sensor(Digitalmoldcounter, Moldshotcounter) includes innovative technology.

Differentiating itself from foreign low-cost mechanical manual counters, it adopted a wireless communication method to reduce concerns about damage when using mass production molds, and achieved stable mass production management by providing a fast cycle time of 350 SPM(C/T 0.17 seconds).

This new model has the advantage of being the world’s first to have a temperature sensor mounted on a smart mold sensor, allowing accurate mold information to be checked in real-time even in high temperature and high humidity environments of up to 200℃, including die casting mold.

In addition, performance and durability have been improved, and asset management performance, such as predicting mold maintenance time, has been improved by utilizing the latest ICT technology.

Lee Dong-Lyul, CEO of ITOFROM, said, “Efforts to develop mold technology and build a smart factory will continue,” and asked for the industry’s interest and support.

ShotLine was selected as the most trusted brand by Koreans for two consecutive years, and won the grand prize for the best brand in 2023. As an intelligent solution, it is already being used by domestic and foreign companies such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, and Dyson and L'Oréal through distribution to dealers.

For this new product, we are preparing to expand cooperation with new companies such as Kyungdong Navien and SIDIZ

조회수 30회댓글 0개

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